Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I have really been scrapbooking recently and it seems that there is still so much to do. I was recently given a book that I could do pages in. I also have a 12x12 binder that I got about 5 years ago and some of the things in that book are old. I was recently looking at it, and was seeing how much label that I have to do, to see what people are in certain pages, and what events are on certain pages. I have a book that has so much labeling that needs to be done, to really make it what I would like it be. There are so many great memories that I have, and I still have so much that I would like to put down on paper and to have pictures from. I'm amazed to look at certain pictures to see how cousin's have changed, or how their children have changed. My Aunts and Uncles change sometimes, especially when you don't see them for periods of time. On my dad's side of my family, we are so spread out, it is amazing when the whole family comes together. My dad comes from a family of 10 children and out of those 10, 9 live in the states, with one living in Singapore(because of a job). My mom's family is also a little spread out, but sometimes it gives people a reason to travel.
I was looking at some pages from high school and noticing how much some people really have changed. I have been out of high school for almost 8 years now,and to watch finally do things that they dreamed about doing is amazing. I have a good friend, named Eric Davis and he finally graduated from BYU this year, and I'm so proud of him as a friend. Whenever I would talk to Eric, it seemed like he was changing his major almost every semester to something different. I know some people who are still in college, some who have bachelor degree's to their names, and others who are on to graduate degree's and many more brighter things. I'm glad that there are things that I know for sure. I started my college education with a certain goal in mind and now I'm not so sure, but things will work themselves in the way that heaven see's fit. 

On to bigger and better things

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I love the scripture that says "the last shall be first and the first shall be last." That has come to mean a lot to me recently. My grandma, Faye Smith Nef is the only one now left living out of her family. She does have sister-in-laws still alive, but other than that she is only one of my Great-Grandparents children that is still alive. Both of my Great-Grandparents, T. Leonard and Grace Smith have passed away, my grandma's brother Gene passed away before my Great-Grandfather passed away, and now my grandma's other brother, Larry has also passed away. My Great-Grandparents, both my Great-Grandpa and Grandma Smith, and also my Great-Grandpa and Grandma Nef have raised amazing children who know how important family really is and all the great blessings that being part of a family holds. My Great-Grandparents, each set, made a lot of sacrifices for each of their families. I love all the history that has been shared about each of them. Both of my Geat-Grandmothers passed away before I was ever born, and I'm sad that I didn't get the chance to meet and to know them. I look forward to the next life, when I will get that opportunity to set down with them and to talk to them. I love the fact that my grandma has things that belonged to her mother, and my great-aunt Lois has things that belonged to her mother. There are so many great examples of mothers in this world. why don't we treat them with more respect? Grandmothers, daughters, granddaughters, and even more generations after that are so important in the way life works. I see some many different generations around me, and see that some things really do get passed from one generation to the next generation.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Being Grateful for the Little Things

As I have come to recently find out, we should all be grateful for the little things that life gives each and every day. I have come realize how much I appreciate certain things, like being a member of the church. I'm grateful for the gospel and the many things that I learn by studying and by attending institute. Institute is something that I would urge lots of people to attend, because there is so much that you learn about the gospel and the scriptures. I'm grateful for friends who care enough to ask me what is wrong and who care enough to actually get to know me. I'm grateful for friends who have served missions and the great service that they provided. I can't think of certain people that have been better missionaries. I still know some great missionaries, and I know that they are working hard, and doing their best to help more people learn about the gospel. How grateful I am for the gospel and to know that there is more to this life then what others may think. I'm grateful to have a family who loves me even though I may make mistakes, and may make weird decisions. I'm grateful to know people who know that there are certain things I can do on my own, but sometimes I may be to stubborn to ask for help and they may step in without having to be asked. I remember a talk that was given about remembering the Tender Mercies that Heavenly Father sees fit to give us. and to remember that sometimes they don't come when we expect them to come. The mercies that Heavenly Father gives us, are when he sees that we are ready and we have a little more experience on our side. Thank Heavens for tender mercies and the great many things that they teach us along the way.

Sunday, October 02, 2011


 I can't think of a better way to end September 2011, then a win for the Skyline Grizzlies against the Idaho Falls Tigers. It was a great game to attend, and after the Grizz got to 50 pts, the tigers didn't really have a chance to come back and win the game. It was great to see people painting over the ugly orange, and to see the Grizz have a big win this year. It has been a long road back to see the goalposts being blue again. I was a senior in 2003-2004. When football season happened in 2003, we lost the emotion bowl my senior year. The class of 2005, got a marginal win, by doing a hail-mary pass and winning by a point. There have been years when Idaho Falls has won, and those were the most disappointing games to attend. Since the last time the goalpost where blue previous to this was 2007, so it was about time in 2011 that Skyline reclaimed the goalposts and painted them blue. Congratulation to the class of 2012 for winning the emotion, this game was one of the best to attend. I really wish some of the refs had made some better calls and hadn't given the Grizz some of the penalties that they thought they should not have gotten.
It was a great time and I'm pretty sure thoughts of people enjoyed the game. I know some parents were really anxious about the game, but you all pulled it off. Final score Skyline 50-Idaho Falls34.

Congrats Grizzlies on a remarkable win. It was a great time, and it is so nice to see the goalposts turn blue

On to bigger and better things

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Truly His Children

How do we really realize what great gifts we have been given? We, as children of God have been given so many different gifts and talents, and many different blessings. Our Heavenly Father has granted us so many different things because of our obedience to the commandments and the laws that we have been given in order to return to live our Heavenly Father after this life. This life is really a chance to prove ourselves and go through the trials that the Lord gives us in order to make us a stronger and better person. Are there friends that are watching our example and would like know more about the church, but are not sure how to ask us about the things that we believe? There are so many different nations that have been open to the gospel and we truly are children of the world. We know that without the gospel we wouldn't have all the great blessing that we have these days. We all have a great responsibility to help preach the gospel and an even greater responsibility to help out the full-time missionaries, and be great member missionaries. We can give the full-time missionaries referrals, and we can help them activate those that are less active, and are just needing some help coming back to the church. So many nations have opened their doors so that missionaries, and hopefully many will want to hear the message that the missionaries have. Our full time missionaries work very hard, and we need to do all that we can to help them out.

Friday, August 05, 2011


As you can tell I love the missionaries, and certain ones just happen to be some of my favorites that I have met during my time in Tennessee. I know that the missionaries are working hard, and they are serving a mission for the right reasons. I have met an elder who gave up a scholarship at Northwestern to serve a mission. I met another who is serving a mission because his plans concerning body-building didn't work out. It is amazing to watch some of these wonderful elders and sisters work together with their companions to accomplish something great. I'm amazed at what a great work these wonderful missionaries do. I'm so glad that I have met these wonderful missionaries, they are great people and they know what the gospel means to those that are seeking the truth, and those that have so many questions that other religions can't answer them all. I'm constantly amazed at the way the missionaries can start a conversation with people that they have just met, but I guess that is part of being a missionary. Some of my favorite people have also been the missionary couple that has been over the "Home Storage Center," The Erbele's. My grandparents are the missionary couple that are over the "Bishop's Storehouse," and they do a great job. As somebody looking from the above pictures, the missionaries need to let their sense of humor out once in a while to play, and they do a great job of making some people just laugh really hard.
Good luck to these wonderful missionaries as they finish out their missions, and good luck to these wonderful missionaries in whatever else they may wish to do with their lives

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The many different layers of family

I have always thought sometimes life can give things to worry about, but that it can also make us appreciate the things that we have and many blessings that we have because of the freedoms and choices we are able to have because of where we live. One of the things that I'm most grateful for is for great grandparents and great parents who have taught me the value of certain things. My grandpa and grandma Nef (LaMar & Faye Nef) celebrated 60 years of marriage, and I'm so grateful for the great example of what a marriage should be and the generations of us that they have blessed. July 2010 we finally got the whole family together, which meant all 10 children, as many cousins as could make it and most of the great grandchildren. It was also a great experience because we also got my grandpa, his sister, Lois Nef Cherry; his brother, Clyde Nef of Fresno, California; and the baby of the siblings, Floyd Nef of Rexburg, Idaho.
It was a great experience to have an Albert & Daphne Nef family reunion, in place, where it seemed that most people in the Nef family knows. We held a family reunion in Burton, Idaho, which is just outside of Rexburg, Idaho and seems to be growing every time I got there. I'm so grateful to be part of the LaMar & Faye Nef family. Those of us that are part of that family are so blessed. My grandparents attend the temple every week, except those weeks that it is closed. The temple is so important. I watch as we all try to do what is right and how we continue to work hard, because it seems that it is the only that might just us through part of this life. My grandparents have always told us the importance of hard work and the great joy that can come from working hard. I looking at my grandpa who is 86 years old(turning 87 years old this year!) and still goes and helps out my uncle on the farm each day of the week. I love looking through the pictures that I have of my great-grandparents, and their children and to think how proud they must be of all the things that their children have done. My great-grandmother Nef passed away from cancer many years ago and  I know that she will forever hold a special place in not only her children's hearts, but also mine because she raised some pretty awesome children. I barely knew my great-grandfather Nef, because he passed away 2 years after I was born. I love to hear of the different stories of my great-grandparents. They went through so much together, and I see where parts of them have been passed on to 5 wonderful children. One of their sons has already joined them on the other side, along with some grandchildren, and also some great-grandchildren. I always love hearing the different stories that each of their wonderful children have to share to pass on, or how seeing their parents do something really made a difference or touched their lives. I couldn't be more blessed to be a part of this family and all the great things that I have as a part of this family. I'm so grateful for the history that I have learned and that I'm a part of.
Thank you to LaMar & Faye Nef for raising 10 wonderful children, and for wanting each of us to learn about your family history and the history that each of us is a part of. Grandma and Grandpa are the best people in the world. Thank you for making me want to have a marriage that lasts 60 years and even beyond that.

Always an adventure

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Darling, Little Sister Veronica

I have a wonderful little sister, who is smarter than she leads on. She will be 14 years old this coming July and I can't believe that she will also be a freshman in high school for the coming school year. Veronica and I have had some great moments, as I watch her grow and become the young woman that I know she can be. This young lady is very smart, and very hard working. I love to be around to hear her play the piano, as she works hard on the pieces that she is given, and practices them even harder. I'm aware that there will be certain situations that I won't be able to protect her from and that kind of scares me as an older sister, and her being the sister that I love to spend time with. I know that my sister knows what to do in most any situations that she finds herself in, I just hope she remembers to do what is right, even if others are not doing what they know they should be doing. Veronica is a very smart girl, she chooses her friends wisely, and she knows what she should be doing and that doing certain things will get her into trouble. This little continues to amaze me by the things that she does.
I remeber the day before Veronica was born, as her birthday is the day after our mother's birthday. Mom had a plan as to what we were going to do to celebrate her birthday, but it seemed that this wonderful little girl had a different plan for mom that day in July of 1997.
I'm glad for the time that I get to spend with this wonderful sister, and young lady. She can make a bad day always seem, just as our little brother can do the same.

Hope this little lady has a wonderful birthday,as I will not be able to be there to have fun with her. I can't believe she is turning 14 years old. She is very amture for her age.

Love you lots, 
with great faith
your older sister,

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fun Times with the BYU Young Ambassadors

It was a great pleasure to have the BYU Young Ambassadors in the Knoxville Area for 2 days at the beginning of May. They are a great group of people, they have so much talent to share. They are a great group to be around. I had the pleasure of putting dinner for them, and also being able to conduct the fireside that they were going to be putting on. They all are so willing to share their talents!! I was so grateful to be able to spend a little bit of time with them. I really enjoyed being able to feed them a wonderful dinner, and I was glad that they

were able to relax for a while before more adventures began for them. I was able to go their performance on Tuesday night (May 3,2011), their performance is called “Harmony: The music of life.” I was completely blown away by how much talent they all have. I can’t use words to describe how talented all theses great and wonderful people. This wonderful consists of people who can play instruments, who can dance, sing and those behind the scenes are just as talented. Brad Robins is one talented man, and he did a wonderful job singing the National Anthem on Tuesday night. From what I have seen and heard, this was not Brad’s first time singing the National Anthem, as he has sung it for the Utah Jazz. I have gained some new friends who have spent lots of time and effort to make a great show possible. I can’t thank this wonderful group enough for spending a few days in the Knoxville area and for spending part of their summer vacation on tour. BYU is a very lucky school to have such a group that has as much talent as this group does. I really can’t thank this group for all of the wonderful smiles that I got and the many thanks that they deserve for the wonderful fireside and totally wonderful performance they put on.

Always an adventure