Sunday, October 02, 2011


 I can't think of a better way to end September 2011, then a win for the Skyline Grizzlies against the Idaho Falls Tigers. It was a great game to attend, and after the Grizz got to 50 pts, the tigers didn't really have a chance to come back and win the game. It was great to see people painting over the ugly orange, and to see the Grizz have a big win this year. It has been a long road back to see the goalposts being blue again. I was a senior in 2003-2004. When football season happened in 2003, we lost the emotion bowl my senior year. The class of 2005, got a marginal win, by doing a hail-mary pass and winning by a point. There have been years when Idaho Falls has won, and those were the most disappointing games to attend. Since the last time the goalpost where blue previous to this was 2007, so it was about time in 2011 that Skyline reclaimed the goalposts and painted them blue. Congratulation to the class of 2012 for winning the emotion, this game was one of the best to attend. I really wish some of the refs had made some better calls and hadn't given the Grizz some of the penalties that they thought they should not have gotten.
It was a great time and I'm pretty sure thoughts of people enjoyed the game. I know some parents were really anxious about the game, but you all pulled it off. Final score Skyline 50-Idaho Falls34.

Congrats Grizzlies on a remarkable win. It was a great time, and it is so nice to see the goalposts turn blue

On to bigger and better things

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