I was having a really interesting discussion with my cousin about dating recently and how it seems pointless after a certain point. If somebody of the opposite sex, doesn't bother to notice that fact that you look really nice, then what is the point of trying to date that person, even if you maybe interested in them, and they show that they are interested in you? I have found that sometimes it is just easier to not have to worry about dating. Worrying about the fact that I might not get asked out is hard,and it drives me a little crazy. Worrying about certain people and wondering if they are going to ask me out, drives me crazy and makes me wonder what I first saw in them. I watch different people and all the dates that they have, and it does make me a little jealous. I don't want to hear about your love life, or your relationship status, while I'm so very single and will probably be that way for a while. I haven't ever really had a real date, and been asked out by a really nice gentlemen, who also showed interest in me and I returned their interest. I'm in my mid-20's (I'm really 27) and it just sucks that I don't have any major dating prospects on the horizon, and even in the near future. I had hoped for a while that a certain guy would want to take me out, but that idea has really past, as he doesn't really even care to really talk to me. I have wondered after a certain point, if I will get married before I get out of my 20's, which right now, doesn't seem to be happening or even close to happening. I wonder how I portray myself when I'm around certain people, especially when I'm around certain guys that are just good guys and that I would like to be dating. I would like a guy that will make me smile and that seeing me smile, makes him happy. I would like a guy that treats me right, and that knows that I respect him for the person that he is. I would like a guy that is a Return Missionary, and I know that may be hard thing to find, but to me it is important. I would like to have a guy that knows the importance of a temple marriage and all the great blessings that come along with it. I don't think it is to much to ask for a wonderful guy, that has some great qualities, and will treat me great and appreciate me for the person that I am, instead of trying to change me into a person that will only please them.
I hate dating and that is probably why I haven't gone on any real dates, and probably never will!
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