Sunday, July 14, 2013

 Cousins in the kitchen, trying to get ready for a meal, and the kitchen sink is getting busy!
Ellen, with Ethan & Rowan playing with them. She is such a great mom!
 Greg & Ellen trying to get their family picture taken!
 Lauren, Connor, and Landon. They are all tall, and it must come from their dad!
 Allison & Max. Max is getting so big and will be a great older brother.

I have some great family and the 4th of July weekend, was just what was needed I think for most of the family. Some people had to return home early because of jobs and because of how far they had traveled, but it was great to be together as a family for a little bit. We all have fun talking and hanging out together, especially the older grandchildren. One night, we ended up talking about social media, and whether it is bad or good.  One of my cousins, decided to list the pro's for Twitter, which I will most likely never use, because I don't like, and I already have facebook, which is good enough for me, for the time being. I was just a great time, and I really hope that everybody had fun.

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