Thursday, April 28, 2011

Great Missionaries doing Great Service

Ignore the fact that Elder Nunn is leaning against the drinking fountain.
Elder Smith, Elder Galloway, Elder Jefferson, Elder Moyers, and Elder Nunn
Sister Crawford, Elder Rasmusson, Sister Rasmusson, Sister May, Elder May,
Sister Urbach, Elder Smith, Elder Urbach, Elder Rodgers, Elder Hall

Have we ever noticed how great missionaries are and all the great things that they do? I have know so many great people that have served missions, that it makes you want to help be a great member missionary. Some of the great missionaries may be those that are serving full-time missions or those that are serving Welfare, Employment service missions, or those that are called to work at Temple Vistor centers.  Missionaries are great people and they are working their hardest to help people learn more abou the gospel.
How do we ourselves help other learn about the gospel?

There are sorts of different ways that people can learn about the gospel. Some people learn about the gospel just by being around those people that are members of the church and having them as friends. We can all strive to be better members of the church by doing the things that the Prophet asks of us to do. Being member missionaries or ever full-time missionaries is a great way to spread the gospel.

I have recently heard Glenn Beck talking about being prepared and home storage. Did you know that Glenn Beck is a member of the church and is even a convert? It is amazing the amount of missionary work that he is doing without probably thinking about it. We can all be like this, we just have look for opportunities to serve and be good upstanding members of our communities

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