Thursday, April 28, 2011

Great Missionaries doing Great Service

Ignore the fact that Elder Nunn is leaning against the drinking fountain.
Elder Smith, Elder Galloway, Elder Jefferson, Elder Moyers, and Elder Nunn
Sister Crawford, Elder Rasmusson, Sister Rasmusson, Sister May, Elder May,
Sister Urbach, Elder Smith, Elder Urbach, Elder Rodgers, Elder Hall

Have we ever noticed how great missionaries are and all the great things that they do? I have know so many great people that have served missions, that it makes you want to help be a great member missionary. Some of the great missionaries may be those that are serving full-time missions or those that are serving Welfare, Employment service missions, or those that are called to work at Temple Vistor centers.  Missionaries are great people and they are working their hardest to help people learn more abou the gospel.
How do we ourselves help other learn about the gospel?

There are sorts of different ways that people can learn about the gospel. Some people learn about the gospel just by being around those people that are members of the church and having them as friends. We can all strive to be better members of the church by doing the things that the Prophet asks of us to do. Being member missionaries or ever full-time missionaries is a great way to spread the gospel.

I have recently heard Glenn Beck talking about being prepared and home storage. Did you know that Glenn Beck is a member of the church and is even a convert? It is amazing the amount of missionary work that he is doing without probably thinking about it. We can all be like this, we just have look for opportunities to serve and be good upstanding members of our communities

Friday, April 01, 2011

Things that make you laugh

I have always heard that laughter is the best medicine, and this week I really had a few things to laugh about. The one thing that totally made my week was a missionary. This poor elder was playing basketball on "P-DAY" (preparation day), which happens to be monday, and he ended up messing his foot up pretty bad. I thought it was funny that somehow he ended up breaking his foot, which means he really can't do a lot for about 6 weeks. I have had some really funny moments over the past 2 weeks, which has seemed to make things better, and has put me in a good mood, along with me kind of being silly and the fact that I'm laughing at a lot of things, which helps the day.
I have a good friend out here, and when we have hung out for a couple of hours and we aren't really functioning on lots of sleep, we get "slap-happy," which is sometimes not a good thing, because we end up laughing at lots of silly things and sometimes silly people. As you can tell from the above picture, we can cause a little trouble together if we wanted. We have fun together though.

 Always an adventure

Turning 25!! WOW!!

I can’t believe that I’m getting this old. It was a great birthday considering my presents were spread over 5 wonderful days. I got some pretty amazing stuff. I got a bag with my name on it, something that I can use for church, I got a beautiful necklace, a darling journal, some lotion and body spray. From my mom and stepdad I got 3 different movies. My brother and sister-in-law gave me an Amazon gift card, which I used to buy 3 other movies. We had my grandpa’s totally awesome dutch oven chicken, which is great because he makes his own sauce. We had a cake that my aunt made and did decorations on. It was great to get spoiled for an evening. The weird thing about this year’s birthday was the fact that I wasn’t celebrating in Idaho or at home like I have done for most of my life. I’m grateful for all the times that I have been able to celbrate with my immediate family. This year, I found out that there are more people that share my birthday. One of the lady’s that I recently found I share my birthday with, made me a scarf that is teal with parts of purple.
Always an adventure

Great Joys that Make You Smile

I was recently (being February 4, 2011) surrounded by a group of people that were the most interesting group I think I have found myself in recently. I was surrounded by 2 wonderful people who are converts to the Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), a set of Elder Missionaries who are doing the right thing and a young lady who found herself on the side of having the opportunity to hear what the missionaries have to say for a few minutes. I don’t think this wonderful, young lady was going to go anywhere for few minutes considering that her hair was getting cut at the time, when the missionaries walked in the door. I don’t think the missionaries could have planned the moment more perfect if they tried. To watch themselves surrounded by the opportunity to tell somebody a little about the gospel, to have this young lady sitting for a few minutes, looking like she would like to know more. To watch a set of missionaries set about talking about the gospel, seeing what a person who is not a member, knows about the church, is such an amazing sight. It has been my great opportunity recently to watch the missionaries discuss the gospel while doing little acts of service who don’t realize it. The missionaries are a great set of young people who will put their lives on hold for 18-24 months, and who will put the Lord first in the things that they do and the way that they act. The missionaries should have more support than they do, considering the fact that they are trying to teach more people about the joy that the gospel brings and how much time they spend trying to find people who would like to hear more about the gospel. I find myself wanting to watch the movie “Charly” based on Jack Wayland’s book, and how she was searching for the right thing and the moment where she knew the gospel was true. I feel like this moment could have been taken from that movie.

It is funny how the missionaries seem to have this gift of timing and knowing when to talk to somebody about the gospel, and how they seem to know that some people struggle with the little things in life and could have something more to help them realize why things are happening as they are. I wish that people would understand that Heaven understands a lot more than we do about this life and all the great things that can happen. I hope people realize that following the simple truths of the gospel and doing what is right will help bring you freedom. It is interesting to think that some people feel that the gospel restricts the things that you can do or how you can live your life.

How often do we realize what great things we have in our lives? Do we notice the small and simple things or do we focus on the things of the moment (the things that may seem more important)? I’m constantly reminded to focus on the simple things that life has to offer. This wonderful gospel, is one of those great and simple things for me.

Someone once asked the question to a member of the church: Do you really understand what you have? I don’t think some of us do realze all that the church does for each of us or even for people worldwide. The Church keeps a tight lid on the things that they do because it doesn’t matter whether they are recognized for them or not,

they are just trying help people or countries out. Do we as members of the church really understand what we have and do we recognize all the good that we can do with the gospel. I’m so grateful to be a member of the church and to see what good it has done in my life.

Always an adventure