Wednesday, January 05, 2011


Just was good, I just wish I could have been home in Idaho, with all the snow and family. There are times when I really miss being home in Idaho and Christmas and Thanksgiving in 2010 were some of those times. I'm always grateful for the things that I get and am always surprised by a few of the gifts that I'm getting since there is usually at least one of my gifts that I know. My mom loves to surprise me with certain things. For Christmas 2009, she gave me some shirts, but instead put my little sisters name on them(her name happens to be VERONICA). Fro Christmas 2010, my mom decided earrings would be my surprise gift this year. It seems that I'm always missing Idaho, especially when it snows in the South, since people seem to forget that most everywhere gets snow. I was talking to Veronica a few weeks ago and was telling her that they canceled school because of the weather, I really enjoyed her reply: "WIMPS." Always an adventure

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