Friday, January 21, 2011

Starting 2011

Well, It is time to start a new year... welcome 2011!! I have fun ringing in the new year with family and friends. It proved to be a fun night and I hope that all had a good time.
 I have decided to try and set some goals, about somethings that I would like to accomplish. It seems there are some that I'm really good at some that I'm not very good at, at all. 2011 brings new challenges, new blessings, new opportunities, and sometimes the same old thing. I was recently looking at facebook and noticing how many people are engaged to get married in the first couple months of 2011. I have also noticed that friends are also welcoming new life into their homes, with the edition of baby's and all that come with them. I'm excited for you all. I see that friends and family are moving on to different parts of their lives and maybe different parts of the world. I'm so excited to see people improve, to see that they want to be happy in their lives.
 As I look at 2011, I notice my birthday is fastly approaching and there are somethings to decide with that occassion rising up. I have to make a choice about what to eat for dinner and how I would like to make this year different than others.This year I hit my mid-twenities and it scares to see that number come up. As I'm trying to look back over some years, I do notice different things, especially about different things that I have learned. I'm constantly amazed about the different things I have learned about the gospel over the years and it makes me ever so grateful for wonderful Sunday School teachers and wonderful Institute teachers and directors. I'm constantly amazed at the different things the gospel teaches me, and how it is something that I have never really thought about. I'm trying to decide what to about my education and whether to continue at the school I was at or to see if I can get into other schools.
I was recently told that I have sometimes have a bubble that I'm comfortable in and that I need to get out of it and to meet new people. It seems that is all I do, in certain situations. I love meeting new people, but I'm also really shy about it, why may not always be a good thing. I have recently decided that in order to expand my already big group of friends, I have to be willing to go outside my comfort bubble and meet new people.
I am grateful for the people who are my friends and who may be my friends in the future. My friends me a lot to me in my life and sometimes even more than they may know.

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