Friday, October 29, 2010

Boys...why do they seem to cause headaches?

I have noticed that some boys can't make up their mind about things that they would like in their lives. I know that each person is different,but some guys seem to lots in common with other guys. I know most guys like sports and enjoying "Sports Center," but how can a girl tell the difference between certain guys that come around? I know a few guys that are going to school, and somehow at least 6 of them are studying the same general topic. Why do guys let a wonderful girl for them walk out of their lives? Is it because they hope the next one will be even better or is just because they just don't realize how great she is? BOYS...Listen Up! WE, GIRLS ROCK!! I guess the same thing could be asked of girls. Women, why do we let a great man walk out of our lives? I know that some guys aren't as mature as others but, lady's they do try their best. I have recently found that some guys just need a girl to talk to about things that they wouldn't tell to their buddies. I'm also very aware that girls talk a lot about guys, especially if they like him. Do guys talk about girls that they may like or may even want to ask out? I am proud of all the guys that I know that have made the commitment to getting married, I know that marriage has made them a better person. I know guys that are still in the process of doing their education, they put a lot of time into their studies to help them one day be a great provider for their future family. I know some "dolls" that say guys aren't worth their time, but to those I say,PATIENCE is a great to have when dealing with a guy.

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