Monday, October 13, 2014

Socially Awkward People

There are certain people that are socially awkward, by which I mean, that it could be that they don't know how to really have a great conversation, some of the clothes that they wear, or even by how they act. Don't take offense by some of these things, because we all know certain people that are all these things, and don't seem to want any help, because they don't seem to realize that they are this way. I will give 3 different examples of each of these things.
1)HOW TO HAVE A CONVERSATION!! If everytime you open your mouth and people get up to leave because of the way that you start to say something, nobody can stand to listen to how you can't have a public conversation without somebody wondering whether you went through an English class or even or Speech class. If you make me want to leave a room everytime you get up in public, that I want to teach your some proper phrases, yet you are too ignorant to take some help, then SHUT YOUR MOUTH and SIT DOWN!!! Learn that there are certain that are okay to share, there are lots of things that you don't share in public. There are so many different words and phrases to describe things, either pick up a dictionary or a thesaurus to help you out. Take a public speaking class, where you learn how to give a speech or a talk, that makes you seem knowledgeable about your subject. Take a college English class, and it will greatly help you improve in forming a sentence.
2)HOW TO DRESS ACCORDING TO BODY STYLE!! There are certain styles that look great on certain body types, and there are certain things that will not look great on a person like me. I'm not skinny like some of my friends, so stripes that go across my body DON'T LOOK great on me. If stripes go down instead of across, then they look great. If patterns are small, like a great chevron pattern, then it is okay wear, but if they are big, don't wear them. I have some great Maxi skirts and all the patterns are smaller, because they make me look thinner, than I really am. I don't have many shirts that have patterns because they make my chest look bigger that I really want it to look. I usually wear plain shirts, because it is easier to pair with clothes. There are certain shirts that I have that have small patterns that look great on me because of what I pair them with. Always think about what you can wear it with before you by it. The same thing goes for your hair, think of things that shape your face. If you don't look good with short hair, then don't cut your hair that way. There are certain people that can really pull off the short hair, and others really can't. I am one of those people that doesn't look with certain lengths of hair, but I also like my hair long enough that it can be in a ponytail and not look weird.
3)HOW TO ACT PROPERLY!! If you can't be around a group of people without laughing so loud that everybody looks at you, then figure out how to have good manners in public. I know that my own mother has taught that me that sometimes it is better to just be part of a group, instead of drawing attention to you. If you stick out when you are with a group instead of blending in, then something is wrong with your manners. Think of what you can bring to enhance the conversation, and help improve the conversation, and get others to think. I love hearing what people have been up to, especially if I haven't seen them in a while. It is great to hear about certain people's adventures, other people not so much. People who know you don't want to hear all about your family, they usually want to know about you. Social media is great for certain things, but there are certain things that you don't post on it. I don't care about certain people's families, especially if you continually post about them; it makes me less and less sympathetic about the situation.

I'm aware that we all have our weakness, and there are things that certain people just don't want to change. If you don't want to change, then continue to be ignorant instead of becoming a better person and contributing to society instead of taking away from it. There are books that can help, there are programs that can help and there are probably lots of people that are around that will help you become a better person. I know that I have friends and family who want to help me become a better person and be the best person that I can be, and that matters to me. I love to read, which helps me learn about how to do things differently, that can help make things better for me. I hope that others realize that people are around to help them. You can't take offense to something, especially if you aren't willing to seek out the help. If you are willing to look for things, willing to seek help, people are more willing to help you, especially if you ask them. There are so many different resources out there that many people don't realize, you just have to look for them.

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