Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Darling, Handsome Samuel

I have a very cute 10 year old little brother, who can make you smile just by saying the smallest things. He can make you laugh just by doing something silly and fun. He and my older brother Nate have a great time together as you can tell from the about picture. Samuel loves to help in any way that he can. I was talking to Samuel last night(4-3-2011) on the phone and he was just being silly especially where our sister Veronica is concerned. Samuel and Veronica may not always get along, but they can have together when they want to.Samuel will make you laugh, cry and smile within a matter of minutes.
Samuel is learning to play the piano, while going to boy scouts, have fun with his friends, and being a 10 year-old little boy. I'm so blessed to this little fun, smiling, jumping, full of energy bundle of joy as a little brother.
Samuel loves to make me start smiling and laughing, usually when Samuel starts to laugh, you can't help but start to laugh with him. You are my favorite ray of sunshine Samuel!!
Lots of love, Your wonderful, older Sister Lisa

Always an adventure

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