Monday, December 17, 2012

Recent events

I taught Relief Socity on December 16, 2012 and it was a very interesting lesson to teach. The lesson was about living in Periolous times. I think it applies so much to recent events and the things that have transipred over the last couple of weeks. As I was preparing my lesson, my mind kept wondering back to Elementary school shooting in Newton, CT and all those wonderful little children that have been lost. It is being said that this is the second worst school shooting, with the shooting at Virigina Tech University being the worst. I hope some parents are finding comfort that their child is not truly lost, but back in the arms of a Loving Heavenly Father and Son. I hope that those children who have passed on because of recent events realize that there is a special place waiting for them in Heaven. As I have been talking to Samuel about recent events and how he feels about, it makes me wonder what I would do to protect him. My siblings mean the world to me and I would do anything to protect them and to make sure that they were safe.We truly do live in Perioulous times and the world will get worse before it gets better, becuase of things that happening and things that have been foretold by the scriptures. Wars will continue and many more bad things will happen before we can say that things are getting better. I hope that these families realize that a world is mouring with them and people are keeping them in their prayers as they put their loved ones to rest and try to move on from this horrific situation that has occured.


Life has been a little crazy in the past couple of months. Samuel has officially turned 12 this year, which is so hard to believe, because he also become a deacon. We also have two new wonderful cats, who are some of the best that we have. Both Lucy and Magellan love to be together which is so great because they are very playful at certain times. Poor Magellan had to have all of his teeth removed because he had ulcers and they were bleeding when we took him into the vet in November, the guy has recovered fairly well, and is just content to sleep in the front room or on a bed. Lucy likes to be where the people are, which is sometimes the kitchen and she likes to be in the way. She will meow when she thinks nobody is home and all that it takes to get her to stop is for her to see a face and then she is good. She knows when I'm coming up the stairs in the morning for scriptures, because she will try to lurch at me. Our family has also discovered that both cats love to be loved, and enjoy being petted, and snuggled with. Lucy will sleep on your sholder, when nobody else is around or when she just wants to snuggle with somebody. It has been great to have cats back in our house, even though there is litter all over the bathroom floor again, they are great and good animals.