Monday, October 13, 2014

Socially Awkward People

There are certain people that are socially awkward, by which I mean, that it could be that they don't know how to really have a great conversation, some of the clothes that they wear, or even by how they act. Don't take offense by some of these things, because we all know certain people that are all these things, and don't seem to want any help, because they don't seem to realize that they are this way. I will give 3 different examples of each of these things.
1)HOW TO HAVE A CONVERSATION!! If everytime you open your mouth and people get up to leave because of the way that you start to say something, nobody can stand to listen to how you can't have a public conversation without somebody wondering whether you went through an English class or even or Speech class. If you make me want to leave a room everytime you get up in public, that I want to teach your some proper phrases, yet you are too ignorant to take some help, then SHUT YOUR MOUTH and SIT DOWN!!! Learn that there are certain that are okay to share, there are lots of things that you don't share in public. There are so many different words and phrases to describe things, either pick up a dictionary or a thesaurus to help you out. Take a public speaking class, where you learn how to give a speech or a talk, that makes you seem knowledgeable about your subject. Take a college English class, and it will greatly help you improve in forming a sentence.
2)HOW TO DRESS ACCORDING TO BODY STYLE!! There are certain styles that look great on certain body types, and there are certain things that will not look great on a person like me. I'm not skinny like some of my friends, so stripes that go across my body DON'T LOOK great on me. If stripes go down instead of across, then they look great. If patterns are small, like a great chevron pattern, then it is okay wear, but if they are big, don't wear them. I have some great Maxi skirts and all the patterns are smaller, because they make me look thinner, than I really am. I don't have many shirts that have patterns because they make my chest look bigger that I really want it to look. I usually wear plain shirts, because it is easier to pair with clothes. There are certain shirts that I have that have small patterns that look great on me because of what I pair them with. Always think about what you can wear it with before you by it. The same thing goes for your hair, think of things that shape your face. If you don't look good with short hair, then don't cut your hair that way. There are certain people that can really pull off the short hair, and others really can't. I am one of those people that doesn't look with certain lengths of hair, but I also like my hair long enough that it can be in a ponytail and not look weird.
3)HOW TO ACT PROPERLY!! If you can't be around a group of people without laughing so loud that everybody looks at you, then figure out how to have good manners in public. I know that my own mother has taught that me that sometimes it is better to just be part of a group, instead of drawing attention to you. If you stick out when you are with a group instead of blending in, then something is wrong with your manners. Think of what you can bring to enhance the conversation, and help improve the conversation, and get others to think. I love hearing what people have been up to, especially if I haven't seen them in a while. It is great to hear about certain people's adventures, other people not so much. People who know you don't want to hear all about your family, they usually want to know about you. Social media is great for certain things, but there are certain things that you don't post on it. I don't care about certain people's families, especially if you continually post about them; it makes me less and less sympathetic about the situation.

I'm aware that we all have our weakness, and there are things that certain people just don't want to change. If you don't want to change, then continue to be ignorant instead of becoming a better person and contributing to society instead of taking away from it. There are books that can help, there are programs that can help and there are probably lots of people that are around that will help you become a better person. I know that I have friends and family who want to help me become a better person and be the best person that I can be, and that matters to me. I love to read, which helps me learn about how to do things differently, that can help make things better for me. I hope that others realize that people are around to help them. You can't take offense to something, especially if you aren't willing to seek out the help. If you are willing to look for things, willing to seek help, people are more willing to help you, especially if you ask them. There are so many different resources out there that many people don't realize, you just have to look for them.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

When someone makes you laugh

I had a great night last night(September 5,2013) and certain things always make it better. One of my friends was asking a wonderful guy that I was talking to about how he know me, and he said that we had, had a make-out session in his car. My friend thought for a minute that he was completely serious, and I think she finally figured it out by my reaction, which was turning away, laughing and also blushing. The fact that he kept hinting about the subject was also kind of funny. My friend thought that my reaction was kind of funny, to the whole thing. This wonderful guy has a great way of making me laugh, especially after I got serenaded on my  way home from the group get-together. Life has a way of making you life and when certain things make you laugh, it makes things better. If someone can make you laugh after a tough day, a long day or just a horrible day in general, it will truly make things better. I love the phrase that laughter is the best medicine there is. My cousin's can make me laugh by just saying something silly. My sister can make me laugh by singing in the shower and do it really loudly. My little brother can make me laugh by him telling a joke and then when he starts to laugh. I'm glad that somebody thought to add laughter to life, it truly does make things better and it makes people happier. Laughter is truly something that can make somebody feel better and it can help people forget about the bad things in life. 

Sunday, August 04, 2013

The Script - Hall of Fame ft.

Totally loving this song right now! It should be an inspiration to lots of people
On to bigger and better things

Sunday, July 14, 2013

 Cousins in the kitchen, trying to get ready for a meal, and the kitchen sink is getting busy!
Ellen, with Ethan & Rowan playing with them. She is such a great mom!
 Greg & Ellen trying to get their family picture taken!
 Lauren, Connor, and Landon. They are all tall, and it must come from their dad!
 Allison & Max. Max is getting so big and will be a great older brother.

I have some great family and the 4th of July weekend, was just what was needed I think for most of the family. Some people had to return home early because of jobs and because of how far they had traveled, but it was great to be together as a family for a little bit. We all have fun talking and hanging out together, especially the older grandchildren. One night, we ended up talking about social media, and whether it is bad or good.  One of my cousins, decided to list the pro's for Twitter, which I will most likely never use, because I don't like, and I already have facebook, which is good enough for me, for the time being. I was just a great time, and I really hope that everybody had fun.


So, for those who don't know and those that do know, I'm a big music fan, and it really depends on my mood as to what I would like to listen to. There are certain songs that are always my favorites to listen to, and other times, I just would like to listen to certain artists. If I'm thinking about a guy that is wonderful, then certain music applies, also if I'm listening to music, that makes me think of certain guys then, I will try to remember that song, because it may bring back memories about fun times with a wonderful guy. In the past I have made mix cd's because I only like maybe one or two songs from an artist, and feel like it would be a waste to buy the whole cd when I only like two songs on the whole thing. That is probably a huge reason as to why I like iTunes, and am really glad when I can buy one song, instead of a whole cd.I can't stand people who listen to crap, especially rap. I tolerate certain things because I have to, but other times, it just drives me crazy to listen to certain things.I like country music, some punk rock, pop/ R&B, and some classical.
I have tons of music, and sometimes it is hard to decide what to listen to, and it all depends on the mood that I'm in. I was looking at my cd case and realized that probably about half of it is burned cd's and it is always interesting to see what I have listened to over the years.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dating..ugh.. Again?!

I was having a really interesting discussion with my cousin about dating recently and how it seems pointless after a certain point. If somebody of the opposite sex, doesn't bother to notice that fact that you look really nice, then what is the point of trying to date that person, even if you maybe interested in them, and they show that they are interested in you? I have found that sometimes it is just easier to not have to worry about dating. Worrying about the fact that I might not get asked out is hard,and it drives me a little crazy. Worrying about certain people and wondering if they are going to ask me out, drives me crazy and makes me wonder what I first saw in them. I watch different people and all the dates that they have, and it does make me a little jealous. I don't want to hear about your love life, or your relationship status, while I'm so very single and will probably be that way for a while. I haven't ever really had a real date, and been asked out by a really nice gentlemen, who also showed interest in me and I returned their interest. I'm in my mid-20's (I'm really 27) and it just sucks that I don't have any major dating prospects on the horizon, and even in the near future. I had hoped for a while that a certain guy would want to take me out, but that idea has really past, as he doesn't really even care to really talk to me. I have wondered after a certain point, if I will get married before I get out of my 20's, which right now, doesn't seem to be happening or even close to happening. I wonder how I portray myself when I'm around certain people, especially when I'm around certain guys that are just good guys and that I would like to be dating. I would like a guy that will make me smile and that seeing me smile, makes him happy. I would like a guy that treats me right, and that knows that I respect him for the person that he is. I would like a guy that is a Return Missionary, and I know that may be hard thing to find, but to me it is important. I would like to have a guy that knows the importance of a temple marriage and all the great blessings that come along with it. I don't think it is to much to ask for a wonderful guy, that has some great qualities, and will treat me great and appreciate me for the person that I am, instead of trying to change me into a person that will only please them. 
I hate dating and that is probably why I haven't gone on any real dates, and probably never will!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dying your Hair?!

I have seen a lot of people recently dying their hair either lighter or dark than their natural color. Some people really shouldn't dye their hair as it just looks terrible. The only things that I have really done with my hair is I have dyed a darker color and I have put highlights in my hair. I can't stand people who think that their hair looks good, a lighter color than their original color. Ladies, please remember the following: the darker colors are usually better and you don't have to worry about always keeping up on your color job. Also remember the following: If you color your hair lots of times, your hair will not last long, and it will get harder to take a comb through it. DON'T COLOR YOUR HAIR OFTEN!!! Do highlights, but don't color your hair, 20 different colors in a year, it just looks terrible. I have seen two different people recently who have both dyed their WAY lighter than their natural color and it looks way terrible and it shouldn't have ever been done, and who ever did, should have stopped the person from making a HUGE mistake. I have found out that most people's eyebrows are the color of the hair that you were born with and your hair is likely to get the dark in your lifetime. I have recently seen my hair getting darker in the last six months, and it is a little weird to see it turning a light brown, but it is also kind of pretty. I still notice some blond, but it is usually at the end of my hair, and I can tell that my hair my be getting really dark later in life. My hair when I was born was black, which I think my mom's might have been at a time, but as far as I know it has always been a mix between black and brown. I have a grandma who has black hair,and I also have a grandpa who has black hair, so maybe that is where I get my baby black hair. I have been blond for a long time and it is a little weird to see my hair changing colors, and it may have to do with the time of year. 
I treat my hair good, and try to use as little heat as possible, and not very much product(hairspray, gels, and other weird things). I use good shampoo's and I also take a comb to my hair instead of a brush. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Recent events

I taught Relief Socity on December 16, 2012 and it was a very interesting lesson to teach. The lesson was about living in Periolous times. I think it applies so much to recent events and the things that have transipred over the last couple of weeks. As I was preparing my lesson, my mind kept wondering back to Elementary school shooting in Newton, CT and all those wonderful little children that have been lost. It is being said that this is the second worst school shooting, with the shooting at Virigina Tech University being the worst. I hope some parents are finding comfort that their child is not truly lost, but back in the arms of a Loving Heavenly Father and Son. I hope that those children who have passed on because of recent events realize that there is a special place waiting for them in Heaven. As I have been talking to Samuel about recent events and how he feels about, it makes me wonder what I would do to protect him. My siblings mean the world to me and I would do anything to protect them and to make sure that they were safe.We truly do live in Perioulous times and the world will get worse before it gets better, becuase of things that happening and things that have been foretold by the scriptures. Wars will continue and many more bad things will happen before we can say that things are getting better. I hope that these families realize that a world is mouring with them and people are keeping them in their prayers as they put their loved ones to rest and try to move on from this horrific situation that has occured.


Life has been a little crazy in the past couple of months. Samuel has officially turned 12 this year, which is so hard to believe, because he also become a deacon. We also have two new wonderful cats, who are some of the best that we have. Both Lucy and Magellan love to be together which is so great because they are very playful at certain times. Poor Magellan had to have all of his teeth removed because he had ulcers and they were bleeding when we took him into the vet in November, the guy has recovered fairly well, and is just content to sleep in the front room or on a bed. Lucy likes to be where the people are, which is sometimes the kitchen and she likes to be in the way. She will meow when she thinks nobody is home and all that it takes to get her to stop is for her to see a face and then she is good. She knows when I'm coming up the stairs in the morning for scriptures, because she will try to lurch at me. Our family has also discovered that both cats love to be loved, and enjoy being petted, and snuggled with. Lucy will sleep on your sholder, when nobody else is around or when she just wants to snuggle with somebody. It has been great to have cats back in our house, even though there is litter all over the bathroom floor again, they are great and good animals.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Time to write a book

A couple of months ago, I ran into a friends mother, and she made this interesting comment about me dating her son, whom I have known for about 12 years now. I also ran into another friends mother last night (May 6, 2012) and she whole-heartily agreed with this other mom. Both these moms have known each other since they moved to Idaho Falls over 12 years. I couldn't believe that the first mom said something to me about me dating her son, as he was not even in the country at the time. I truly think that both of these ladies are wonderful people, and they just want what is best for their children. There are times when they might just have to give their children a little nudge and help them along in life. Both of them have boys that maybe have caused them a few more problems because they are the boys, and they also have daughters, who are sweet, and very kind, and just as sweet as their mothers.  Just to have this mother, saying that I should be dating her son, kind of surprised me, and I'm pretty sure I even blushed when she initially said the statement. I don't think I have thought more about any statement, as much as I thought about this one. It kind of surprised me that somebody thinks I should be dating their son, and it also surprised me that it came from this mom.
The really odd thing about this is that I really haven't talked to this particular in over two years, and sometimes I wonder why I even worry about all the different things that some people do. I know that sometimes it is best just to leave things along, and then not worry about things, especially if they don't concern you.
It has been really fun to write this story, as many different things have occurred since then, and this story started out to give a friend background on the history between some people. As I have really started to write the story, it has turned out be pretty interesting, as there have new things that have come to light. Two different friends’ mothers have said this guy who happens to be the son of one of them. I know of three people who think I should be dating this same guy. It is just interesting to see how many things have changed and how we are so very different. I'm not sure whether I would still consider him a friend, since it doesn't seem like he thinks of me that way, or he would try and talk to me a little more often. I guess after a certain point, people should be considered acquaintances and not really friends. 
There is sometimes so much on my mind, that sometimes I just have to write and get things in perspective. Writing is kind of my outlet for different things on my mind. I'm not really sure where this story is going, but I will hopefully know an end later in life, and then maybe the story will be complete. I wonder if there is something that I'm missing where different things are concerned and I'm just not able to see it right now. I hope that one day I will be able know what I'm suppose to look for, instead of wondering what is suppose to happen, and just wondering if it is ever going to happen, because sometimes I feel like life is passing me by. I know people who are younger than me that are getting married, who are having children, but I also know people who are older than me, who are having more children. I just hope that people will realize that there are still single people out in the world and sometimes it is really hard to watch people, especially friends who are having their second or third child and I'm not even married. It is really hard to watch things like that. 

So Excited

So Love the BYU Young Ambassadors!! They are a wonderful group and so talented. I saw their wonderful  show in Tennessee in May 2011, while they were on their Summer South Tour. I was so grateful that I got to catch up with some of the group that I knew. I had a fantastic time with my friend Nicole Wright. We kind of made an evening out of it. This group is one of my favorite things about BYU (besides football, and men's college basketball). I urge people who are down in the Provo/ Orem area to go see them while the have chance. The great things about this group, is they are all so talented, and they each add something to this wonderful group. Randy Booth is an amazing director and a great leader for such a talented group.
On to bigger and better things

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Birthday Time 2012

It is time once again for my birthday. I can't believe it is almost here. I will be 26 this year, and somehow I kind of don't feel like celebrating. I look at all the great things that friends have going on in their lives, and I'm kind of envious of the fact that some of them are married, have children, and have all these great things going on in their lives.I had thought when I was a teenager that some of those wonderful things would have happened by now, but it just looks to be not happening anytime soon for me, and for right now, that is okay. I feel like I'm at a stand-still in life, and really trying to figure out where I'm suppose to go from here. I  sometimes wonder how I have made it to this point in my life and how some things have not worked out the way that I thought they would. I have some many things on my mind, and somehow I can't seem to make them happen. I sometimes wonder when great things are going to happen, and I sometimes if they are just going to pass me by. I continue to look at things, and sometimes wonder if I'm going to be along for long time(with no dating prospects on the horizon), as I wonder how I can become a better person and wonder if there is a way that I can change things. Sometimes I wish that things would just change for the better, so that maybe the world doesn't look so gloomy and such a bad place. Why can't things work out the way that we would like, for just once? Does the world have a problem with us being happy? I know that people think I'm happy a lot of time, but there are things that are constantly on my mind, and I wonder how people are able to be truly happy all of the time. How do we change things if we aren't happy with them? How do we make sure that even those that we love or that are family just encourage us, and want us to be happy instead of always being down about things? 
How do we know that certain things are going to happen and that we can truly be happy by our own standards? Why do we feel that we have to live up to everybody's ideas and what they feel that we should be doing?
Hopefully this year will be better and things will go more smoothly, with some great adventures. I really do hope that as I continue to get older, I can look back on some bad years and know that something great came from them, and that maybe instead of remembering all the bad things, I can look back and remember some of the good things.

On to bigger and better things