Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I have really been scrapbooking recently and it seems that there is still so much to do. I was recently given a book that I could do pages in. I also have a 12x12 binder that I got about 5 years ago and some of the things in that book are old. I was recently looking at it, and was seeing how much label that I have to do, to see what people are in certain pages, and what events are on certain pages. I have a book that has so much labeling that needs to be done, to really make it what I would like it be. There are so many great memories that I have, and I still have so much that I would like to put down on paper and to have pictures from. I'm amazed to look at certain pictures to see how cousin's have changed, or how their children have changed. My Aunts and Uncles change sometimes, especially when you don't see them for periods of time. On my dad's side of my family, we are so spread out, it is amazing when the whole family comes together. My dad comes from a family of 10 children and out of those 10, 9 live in the states, with one living in Singapore(because of a job). My mom's family is also a little spread out, but sometimes it gives people a reason to travel.
I was looking at some pages from high school and noticing how much some people really have changed. I have been out of high school for almost 8 years now,and to watch finally do things that they dreamed about doing is amazing. I have a good friend, named Eric Davis and he finally graduated from BYU this year, and I'm so proud of him as a friend. Whenever I would talk to Eric, it seemed like he was changing his major almost every semester to something different. I know some people who are still in college, some who have bachelor degree's to their names, and others who are on to graduate degree's and many more brighter things. I'm glad that there are things that I know for sure. I started my college education with a certain goal in mind and now I'm not so sure, but things will work themselves in the way that heaven see's fit. 

On to bigger and better things