Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Truly His Children

How do we really realize what great gifts we have been given? We, as children of God have been given so many different gifts and talents, and many different blessings. Our Heavenly Father has granted us so many different things because of our obedience to the commandments and the laws that we have been given in order to return to live our Heavenly Father after this life. This life is really a chance to prove ourselves and go through the trials that the Lord gives us in order to make us a stronger and better person. Are there friends that are watching our example and would like know more about the church, but are not sure how to ask us about the things that we believe? There are so many different nations that have been open to the gospel and we truly are children of the world. We know that without the gospel we wouldn't have all the great blessing that we have these days. We all have a great responsibility to help preach the gospel and an even greater responsibility to help out the full-time missionaries, and be great member missionaries. We can give the full-time missionaries referrals, and we can help them activate those that are less active, and are just needing some help coming back to the church. So many nations have opened their doors so that missionaries, and hopefully many will want to hear the message that the missionaries have. Our full time missionaries work very hard, and we need to do all that we can to help them out.